HiThrive offers the ability to customize your celebration card designs whether for birthday, service anniversary, new hire, or spot celebrations!

Reference the design specifications below to create a design of your own and send to help@hithrive.com to have your design added to your HiThrive account. 

Though the dimensions of the card are fixed (1422px x 800px), what goes inside is entirely up to you.

Create your own unique design with dynamic content – profile picture, name, and milestone celebration year too. Card designs are fully dynamic, so depending on the celebration type, you may want to include different elements.

The design template can be accessed via Figma here. Simply save your own version or copy and use in your preferred design program.  

What you'll share with HiThrive:

Once your banner design is complete, please send (2) versions in a high fidelity format (AI, EPS, FIG, JPG, PNG) to help@hithrive.com for upload to your HiThrive account. 

Version 1: Your completed banner design with all content populated (name, profile picture, etc.)

Version 2: Your completed banner design without the dynamically populated elements (just the background / static elements). 

Font: Please note the font used and share the font file if custom.


  1. For any dynamically populated text, please include the name of the typeface and attach the font file (if is not a readily available system font).
  2. If your design includes layers (ex. a hat that overlays the profile picture), you will need to share the individual design layers so that HiThrive can replicate it accurately).


What your designs can include:

Any fields available within HiThrive (via HRIS integration or CSV import)


  • Team member name
  • Profile image
  • Milestone celebration year
  • Other information (department, title, etc.)

The dynamically populated components of your banner (i.e. Profile Picture, User's Name) can be placed anywhere inside of the card and can be sized to your specifications.

